Thursday, October 14, 2010


Welcome to my tiny place of expressions about my experiences, thoughts and reflections concerning sustainable living. Sustainable living for me applies to all aspects of life, our general way of living, our thoughts, our diet, our interaction with ourselves and the world around us. For me it is the manner in which we negotiate our life currency.
my life until now, has been one mostly of “reaction”, as opposed to conscious action. The years of my life have flown by, and I have simply gone with the flow, taking what comes. Not to ay that it has been bad at all, however, I realise now how empty much of it was, how I was living from project to project, making my happiness depend on things or people, or through external goals to be obtained. I was constantly on the go, running, sprinting, with my eyes closed. next to all of that running, an elongated emptiness always was right behind, no matter how fast I ran. 
And so, I ran even faster. More ideas, more projects to work on, more, more, more....
And then I fell.

I fell flat onto my face and was not able to pick myself up again. for four years that is.  Life certainly has its way of showing you when to stop, and this way my time for my lesson. I was forced to pause, stop, reflect and re-assess. 
And then I realised how very lost I was I had no idea of what I was anymore, nor what I really wanted I was not able to answer the whats, and the whys of my life. I realised how much my life had become, for the most part, simply a pattern of habitual act, thoughts, maneuvers, negativity, expectation, disappointment.
What I had failed to realise is that I had created my own reality through my own thoughts.  
I am grateful for this fall, and I now have taken the decision to break and rid myself of my pattern of unconscious action, and thought. I intend to break out of my patterns of only living towards some distant dream and not living and capturing the beauty and glory of the present moment. I intend to break the habit blaming past events for things not offered in the present. I intend to finally take responsibility for my life, my actions, my present, my being. 
As I now dust myself off, and lift my body to emerge, I choose a radically different path. I now choose a path of sustainable happiness-one of positivity, inner fulfillment and passion. 
I hope to inspire you too to make a shift in your life to a more sustainably happy one!
Paula Laurel